

Homeless Vets Program Featured in Washington Post Article



Former CBM National Executive Director George Garrow was recently quoted in the Washington Post in an article that talks about how sequestration — deep cuts to federal programs — could affect the organization’s programs.

Also quoted is Clinton Wilson (pictured here), an unemployed Vietnam veteran, who has sought assistance from our Homeless Veterans Reintegration Project (HVRP) to pursue his dream of becoming a chef. Mr. Wilson talks about his fears that federal budget cuts could hinder his career progress.

The article describes how Mr. Wilson moved to the area last fall from Portsmouth, Va., to live with his niece after he was laid off from his longtime job in construction.

With the help of a Concerned Black Men program manager, Wilson submitted online job applications and was provided with bus tokens to get to job fairs. In April, with help from the HVRP, Mr. Wilson is scheduled to start a culinary training program sponsored by D.C. Central Kitchen. But with sequestration now in effect, Mr. Wilson says in the article that he worries he might not have the bus fare to get there.

“The sequester, it might cut a lot of things out, and I really don’t think it should happen,” he says in the article. “I’m very much concerned, and I think the program should continue. They help a lot of people.”

Read the full Washington Post article here.


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