Bridging the Gap: Stopping Summer Learning Loss
In June 2019, Concerned Black Men will launch its 5th crowd-funding campaign via the online giving site Global Giving. We launched a new campaign focuses on raising funds to support the CBM Summer Camp Experience hosted by the CBM Saving Lives and Minds Program which is dedicated to providing supplementary learning in the Savoy Elementary school in South East Washington, DC.
The camp seeks to address the achievement gap among African-American youth and children. Summer learning loss is a real contributing factor in the lives of low-income and minority students–particularly African-American students. The National Association of Psychologists indicates that African-American and Hispanics males are the overwhelming demographic that comprise grade retention in American schools. A student stands to lose two months of learning without summer learning programs.
A study by the Wallace Foundation also indicates that learning programs like the CBM Summer Camp Experience can help to reduce summer learning loss and even help kids improve their grades. The imperative to provide summer learning for African-American students is clear.
However, the program faces a funding shortfall which could adversely impact the most vulnerable school-aged population. Concerned Black Men must raise $5000 before June 30th to support the summer program and to become members of the Global Giving network of charities. This network will allow CBM to host future crowd-funding campaigns with the goal of transforming lives.
To donate, please follow this link: http://www.globalgiving.org/projects/cbm-summer-camp/