A Calling that Fits: How Gerard Kersey Helps Men Succeed
One day, while cleaning out my closet, I decided I wanted to make my dream a reality. I wanted to provide suits to disadvantaged men and youth seeking employment. The impetus for this dream began years ago, when I was out of work and trying to get back into the workforce. A mentor reached out to me and helped me tremendously.
He saw that I was making positive changes in my life and took me to a haberdashery in Brooklyn one day. He purchased a new suit, shirt and a tie for me. I will never forget that moment—I practically cried from the emotion of seeing a man buy these items for me without seeking repayment. That moment was etched in my heart until this day. It is that moment that I think about constantly when I give back. It is that moment that got me started and keeps me going.
My journey to establish That Suits You, began with collecting suits from family and friends. I was amazed by their positive responses. I found that most people didn’t mind giving if they knew it would help others. It is heart-wrenching to know that there are men who are ready to work, but are hindered because they do not have appropriate attire for an interview. We work to end that scenario.
When we present them with a suit and tie, the look on their face is priceless! The same gratitude and care that I experienced when I was given a new suit is what we strive to impart to the men we serve. When I received that first suit I felt empowered, I felt important, and I felt like I could take on the world. We want the men that we work with to feel the same way.
That Suits You conducted a job conference with NYC College of Technology this year. We donated suits and ties to some of the young men who attended. We also conducted mock interviews and taught them how to tie a tie. However to me, the most powerful part of the day was connecting with them. The opportunity to pour my heart into them was priceless. I shared with them about starting a business and seeing a dream become a reality. I also expressed the importance of dressing appropriately and always being professional.
Often disadvantaged men and youth dress inappropriately because they haven’t been taught better or they don’t have the means to obtain better. We want to be a part of changing the culture, look, dress and perception of young men across the nation. We want to be a part of teaching them to dress better. We want them to present a polished image to the world. That Suits You places us in a position to give back to teens and young adults and hopefully to steer them in a positive direction—toward success.
By Gerard Kersey, Founder and CEO of That Suit’s You